Emilio Minichiello


Location: New York City


My name is Emilio Minichiello (he/him), I am a mathematician based in New York City. I like to apply category theory to other areas of mathematics and science, like differential geometry and database theory.

Currently, I am an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics department at CUNY CityTech.

Before that I was a pure mathematics PhD student at the CUNY Graduate Center, studying the intersection of category theory and differential geometry. My PhD thesis was Higher Diffeology Theory, applying homotopical and categorical methods to diffeological spaces. My advisor was Mahmoud Zeinalian.

During the last year of my PhD I also worked part-time at Conexus AI studying Categorical Database Theory.

The best way to reach me is by email eminichiello67@gmail.com.

latest posts


Jul 23, 2024 I’ve accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics department at CUNY CityTech!
Jun 26, 2024 Gave a talk “Introduction to Diffeology” at the Zulip Online Category Theory Seminar. See my talks page for slides and video.
Jun 24, 2024 Gave a talk at ACT 2024 on Proqueries and Praqueries. See my talks page for slides and video.
May 23, 2024 Gave a talk at the NYC Category Theory Seminar on Presenting Profunctors. Can find the video recording here.
May 4, 2024 The paper Presenting Profunctors has been accepted to ACT 2024!