
Sep 20, 2024 Gave a talk on The Diffeological Cech-de Rham Obstruction at the Monthly Global Diffeology Seminar. See the Talks page for more information and slides.
Sep 12, 2024 Gave a talk for the CUNY CityTech math department on categorical database theory.
Jul 23, 2024 I’ve accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics department at CUNY CityTech!
Jun 26, 2024 Gave a talk “Introduction to Diffeology” at the Zulip Online Category Theory Seminar. See my talks page for slides and video.
Jun 24, 2024 Gave a talk at ACT 2024 on Proqueries and Praqueries. See my talks page for slides and video.
May 23, 2024 Gave a talk at the NYC Category Theory Seminar on Presenting Profunctors. Can find the video recording here.
May 4, 2024 The paper Presenting Profunctors has been accepted to ACT 2024!
Apr 19, 2024 Defended my PhD thesis Higher Diffeology Theory, consisting of the papers Diffeological Principal Bundles and The Diffeological Čech-de Rham Obstruction!
Apr 16, 2024 Diffeological Principal Bundles and Principal Infinity Bundles is accepted into Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures!
Apr 3, 2024 Posted new preprint to the arxiv – Presenting Profunctors, jww Gabriel Goren Roig and Joshua Meyers.
Jan 18, 2024 Posted new preprint to the arxiv – The Diffeological Cech-de Rham Obstruction
Oct 26, 2023 Gave a talk at the NYC Category Theory Seminar. Can find the video recording here.
Jun 8, 2023 Gave an talk at the Topology, Geometry and Physics Seminar about diffeological spaces and the obstruction to the Cech deRham isomorphism in diffeology.
Apr 19, 2023 Gave a talk at Queensborough Community College Math Seminar about a Mathematical Model of Package Management Systems.
Apr 10, 2023 Visited coauthor Manuel Rivera at Purdue University. Talked in his class on Category Theory and Simplicial Methods about convenient categories of topological spaces. Gave a talk on Diffeological spaces at Topolodays the Purdue University Topology Student Seminar.
Apr 4, 2023 Gave a talk about diffeological spaces and higher stacks at the Texas Tech Topology and Geometry Seminar.
Feb 10, 2023 Updated preprint – Diffeological Principal Bundles and Principal Infinity Bundles, stylistic rewrite and added some new results and sections.
Feb 10, 2023 Posted new preprint to the arxiv – A Mathematical Model of Package Management Systems — from General Event Structures to Antimatroids, jww Gershom Bazerman and Raymond Puzio.
Jan 15, 2023 Categorical Models for Path Spaces is accepted into Advances in Mathematics!